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Windblown - Brighton, Britain's most eco-friendly city

Inspired by another Sussex landmark, the Rampion Wind Farm off the Sussex coast is clearly visible on the horizon line from Brighton's beaches and beyond, generating enough green electricity for almost half the homes in Sussex currently occupying a 70 square kilometre site. Whilst they have received a mixed welcome, with some saying that the wind turbines are a blot on the horizon line, the reality is that they provide a vital source of sustainable and renewable power instead of burning fossil fuels. But the wind turbines to me just represent a practical, modern-day means of harnessing the wind, a natural resource and something mankind has done since the beginning of time. As a Brightonian seeing them is an inspiration and a beautiful reminder of the city's green credentials.

The Argus reported on 18 Nov 2020, 'Brighton has been crowned the most eco-friendly city in the UK'.

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